Saturday, 1 February 2014

Meet Cyndy O, Eko Koppas Diary Corper Of the Week

Cyndy O is the outgoing anchor of the corper's dairy show on Eko 89.7fm. Cyndy, a batch a corper loves to sing and has a passion for entertainment. Koppas Diary presents to you Cyndy O our COW this week.

 Full name: Cynthia Onuoha
University Attended: Imo State University
Course Studied: Mass Communication
State of Origin: Imo

Who is Cyndy O?

 When ever I tell people that I'm an introvert they're like "shut up" but really I am, although I like to go out and have fun once in a while. I am the last daughter of my father and the second draught and child of my mom, in other words I found myself in a polygamous home of ten children and two moms lol. I lived all my life in imo state and have an undying love for music, media and entertainment guess it's no surprise I found myself on radio.

Describe your service year in one word? 

"Challenging" It was nothing I expected honestly but I'm super glad I experienced it.

What was the highlight of your Eko experience? 

Gosh I really can't say cause every evening I spent in eko fm had its own special drama but there were when while stepping out of the premises people would ask "were you the female corper anchoring? You're good" and that made me feel awesome

How did you join corper’s diary and what did you benefit from be ing the shows anchor? 

 Well I joined OBS in camp and eventually Publicity CDS so when I heard they had corpers diary set up and they needed anchors I joined in luckily the producer of the show gave me a shot on air and decided to make me a lead anchor. That gave me a chance to rediscover myself, I learnt soo much and got to meet awesome people. It was a real oppurtunity.

Have you gotten job opportunities from bring the shows anchor? 

Well not exactly but I did get a job offer on Tv while anchoring at eko fm and was able to put some learnings from corper's diary into practice

What challenges did you encounter as the anchor of the show and how did you overcome them? 

Uhhhmmm it got nerve wrecking when I couldn't understand the sign language Used in the control room lol but after a while I got to understand the producers quite well, also the time limitation too although I learnt how to shrink my words n talk faster to be on time

As the outgoing anchor, what’s your parting advice for your successors and the new Corpers diary team? 

Ahhhh I'll say keep your eyes on Mr qazeem lol have fun but don't forget to remain professional.

What is next after service? 

I'm planning to attend a masters programme But I might put that On hold to pursue a music career.

Our topic this week is when is the ideal time to start thinking of marriage. When does Cindy O  think is ideal for her to start thinking of Marriage? 

Na wa o! I dunno God's time is the best lol

Advice to other and future Eko Koppas:

 Take every oppurtunity n person you come across seriously cause you never know when, what or who could be the stepping stone you need to achieve your dreams or goals.

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