Monday 27 January 2014

Lagos state House of Assembly Passes bill banning smoking in public places.!!

The Lagos state house of assembly on the 20th of January passed a law that prohibits smoking in public places like schools, day-care centers, libraries, museums, hospitals, public transportation, restaurants, and public toilets among others. The law requires proprietors of public places to put up no smoking signs at their entrance and in strategic places within their premises. The law further requires owners of public areas to create areas designated for smoking.

By this law individuals who are caught smoking in non-smoking areas would pay a fine of N10, 000 while proprietors of public places who fail to put up no-smoking signs or create areas designated for smoking would pay a fine of N100, 000. Top Management of corporate organizations that fail to put up no smoking signs would be liable to a fine of N250, 000.  Also anyone found smoking in the presence of a child would be fined N15, 000 or be imprisoned for one month.

Find more info on this law @

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